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Sysops Notepad
현재 centos 저장소에 curl 버전은 7.29.0 버전이다. [root@sysops ]# yum list curl Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.navercorp.com * centos-sclo-rh: mirror.navercorp.com * centos-sclo-sclo: mirror.navercorp.com * epel: ftp.riken.jp * extras: mirror.navercorp.com * updates: mirror.navercorp.com * webtatic: us-east.repo.webtatic.com Installed Packages curl.x86..
Centos 7환경에서 pdns 컴파일 중 에러가 발생했다. [root@sysops pdns-4.5.2]# ./configure checking whether g++ supports C++17 features with -std=c++17... no checking whether g++ supports C++17 features with +std=c++17... no checking whether g++ supports C++17 features with -h std=c++17... no checking whether g++ supports C++17 features with -std=c++1z... no checking whether g++ supports C++17 features with +std=c..
압축 파일을 다운 받아서 압축해제를 하려는데 에러가 발생한다. [root@sysops build]# tar -xvf pdns-4.5.2.tar.bz2 tar (child): cannot run bzip2: No such file or directory tar (child): trying lbzip2 tar (child): lbzip2: Cannot exec: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now . bzip2를 설치해주자 [root@sysops build]# yum install..
# yum install git # git --version git 2.x 버전이 설치가 필요하면 https://sysops.tistory.com/157 참고 하세요
설치 환경 : - Centos 7 - Centos 8 # yum groupinstall 'development tools' -y # yum install wget openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel xz-devel -y # wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.6/Python-3.9.6.tgz # tar xvf Python-3.9.6.tgz # cd Python-3.9.6 && ./configure --enable-optimizations # make altinstall # alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/local/bin/python3.9 1 # alternatives..
설치환경 : - Centos 7 - Centos 8 * python 3 이 설치되어있어야 합니다. python 3 설치 방법 : https://sysops.tistory.com/192 1. 설치방법 # pip3 install streamlit # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port 8501/tcp # firewall-cmd --reload # tmux new -s StreamlitSession # streamlit run main.py 2. http://server_ipaddress:8501 접속
설치환경 : - Centos 7 설치방법 [root@sysops]# yum install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm [root@sysops]# yum install -y postgresql13-server [root@sysops]# /usr/pgsql-13/bin/postgresql-13-setup initdb [root@sysops]# systemctl enable postgresql-13 사용방법 [root@sysops]# sudo -iu postgres psql # CREATE DATABASE test; # \c test # CREATE T..
[root@sysops]# hostname sysops1 [root@sysops]# hostnamectl set-hostname sysops2 [root@sysops]# hostname sysops2
nginx -> djang 로 통신시 아래 에러가 발생하고 끊어진다. "upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream" nginx의 proxy timeout 값을 늘려줬다 proxy_read_timeout 300; proxy_connect_timeout 300; proxy_send_timeout 300;
#!/bin/bash file=./file if [ -e "$file" ]; then echo "File exists" else echo "File does not exist" fi #!/bin/bash file=./file if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then echo "File does not exist" else echo "File exists" fi -b filename - Block special file -c filename - Special character file -d directoryname - Check for directory Existence -e filename - Check for file existence, regardless of type (node, directo..